November, 2021 - 100 Women Who Care-Chelsea Area (100 WWC-Chelsea Area) has recorded it’s fourth Impact Award of $9,633 House N2 Home.
The Impact Award meeting was held via Zoom on the evening of October 5, following a reception sponsored by and hosted at Chelsea State Bank in Chelsea. Of the eligible charities nominated by members, three were chosen at random in advance of the event. Each of the three charities had seven minutes to make their best case for their mission to the membership, giving those in attendance insight into their contributions to the community. After all the presentations were finished, the members were invited to cast their ballots. House N2 Home received the majority of the votes and was the recipient of the evening’s Impact Award.
100 WWC-Chelsea Area Member Robin Tackett nominated House N2 Home for consideration and Ruth Ann Logue, President of the nonprofit organization represented the charity at the meeting. The non-profit was started in 2017 “as a small group of friends working together to furnish a home for one single mom and her children.” In the years since, the organization has grown to over one hundred volunteers who have furnished the homes of 350 individuals and families transitioning from homelessness in Washtenaw County. 100 WWC-Chelsea Area’s next Impact Award meeting is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, February 1, 2022. Women interested in joining can find all the details at along with the list of eligible charities and information on how members can nominate charities.
100 Women Who Care--Chelsea Area representatives, including Robin Phillips, Tonya Gietzen, Stephanie Doll, Cassie Kurowicki, and Kay Stremler are joined by Ruth Ann Logue, president of House N2 Home, and several volunteers for presentation of a symbolic check representing the $9,633 cumulatively donated by the local women’s giving circle.
